Yoga & Cooking Retreat am Klöntalersee
A yoga and cooking weekend getway at the Klöntaersee. Read here to know more about this retreat. The Yoga retreat is planned in the serene location of the Mount Rigi with the Vierwaldstattersee in the background. The place is also an Eco Hotel run by a lovely couple. They grow their produce there and that's what we are going to use for our cooking and of course they are many yoga lessons too. Looking forward to see you all.

Sonja shoppt
Sonja Hüsler is a travel blogger and she visited us at Creativ-ity along with other blogger for a cooking event and this is what she had to say. You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram and see all the beautiful pictures she posts from her travels from around the world. We thank her for a wonderful feedback from the cooking course that she attended.

Vegan & Gluten free Indian Cooking
Elisabeth is an accomplished lifestyle blogger. She visited the Vegan and Gluten free Indian cooking workshop and wrote about it on her blog Best Years. Read on the article and she has also put up a few recipes on her blog. Do try and see how easy it is to be a vegan and gluten free in the Indian Kitchen.
Thank you Elisabeth for visiting the workshop and many thanks for such a nice write up.

Indischer Kochkurse mit Ity
Article on Indian cooking written in German by blogger, Steffi from
Steffi is the face behind the blog hey pretty. She has lived as a child in the USA and then moved to Switzerland, her home country. You can see her Amercian wit in her writing. She visited us for the Bloggers cooking event and this is what she has to say about the evening! UNFASSBAR! indescribable, read for yourself.

We are on Swiss television
I was over the moon when I got to see just randomly pyjamas from my label was seen wearing by a German actor in one of the Swiss advertisements. Thank you Moritz Schmid from Job Cloud to share this with me. I did a big dance to have experienced this.

Indisch kochen mit Ity & Augenbrauen Zupfen mit Faden Technique
Justyna is a Swiss lifetsyle blogger and she writes about Creativ-ity on her blog "Extra 2 Style me" about her cooking and threading experience. I would like to thank her about her very kind words and also for visitng the course. Do read her article

Indish kochen lernen und hübsche Augenbrauen
Article on Indian cooking and Eyebrow threading written by Corinne from Corinne is a lifestyle blogger and she visited the bloggers cooking event. This is what she has to say about the evening, the Indian Kitchen and the spices.