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Home made Lemonade

Who doesn't like Lemonade and that too, home made one! I made a simple one which you can keep for about a week in the fridge. Its better to make it for a weekend, or for a summer party. Its a super simple recipe. You can get creative with it and add either fresh mint leaves, little blueberries or even make it a bit salty by adding some normal salt and rock salt to it. In my MIL`s house I remember they also used to add ground fennel seeds, was also quite nice, but the base is always the same. Back home its called as Shinkanjee, that's the drink we used to get a lot in the summer days and if you had a instant visitor this could be something which could be whisked very quickly.

I made them into two cute little glass bottles (I Love glass bottles :) and gave them to the girls. The small bottles are handy, and easy to stack anywhere in the fridge.

Here is what you will need:

- 1 cup of sugar

- 1 cup of water

- 1 cup of lime juice (you can also take lemons)


1. Take the sugar and water in a pan and heat them on medium heat until the sugar in dissolved. Let it cook for 3-4 minutes and let it cool and come to room temperature.

2. Squeeze juice of limes or lemons, I think I needed about 4 limes for that. I took out the seeds but left the little bits of those limy things but not the big flesh. I love them and it really gives you a fresh kick and it also feels homemade.

3. When the sugar syrup has completely cooled, add the lime juice to it, mix it well and pour them into clean glass bottles. Keep them chilled in the fridge.

4. To make on glass, take about a little less then 1/4 cup of the syrup and top it with ice and chilled water, stir it and add a wedge of fresh lime to it and viola........there you have it.

5. In these winter months you can also use them to make a warm lemon punch.

PS: As mentioned above you can experiment it with different ways and regarding the amount of the syrup, for us it was good, but you can add more or less according to your taste. One thing I forgot to write, they also make little presents for friends and family, with a little bow attached to it for that someone special.

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