As these words say itself! "frisch von gestern" meaning "fresh from yesterday" that's the concept of äss-bar.

They buy the bread from the good bakeries from around Zürich, and they sell it for a fraction of the price, literally peanuts. The quality of the food is impeccable and we cant even discuss the price! Its a joke! The food you buy here, you are able to use the goods just this day only, although I have made a Brüchetta from the bread the next day and it tasted great. Anyway the best Bruchetta is made from old/stale bread.
I have visited this place many times and you get nice breads, cakes, muffins, croissant and about anything else. Its a cute little bright shop and its rather interesting to go here because you never know what will you find here. This place also proves a thing or two wrong about Zürich that, i.e. its is a rather expensive city. It doesn't have to be when you know where to go!
According to studies about 1/3 of the Swiss food goes to waste and if we look at the statistics about 1/3 of the world food or about 30 to 40% goes to waste as well around the world. I think these little ideas are a great way to not let it go to waste and provide it to people on a good price. I hope more people incorporate these ideas around the world and more and more support them.
So next time if you are in the old town or the Niederdorf, do swing by Ass-bar for a little treat, a sandwich for a lunch by the lake or even a nice big bread for a Bruchetta or Panne-de-torte. They also have a small corner where in you can stand and eat your stuff and for a nominal price they also offer coffee/tea.
Ass-bar is located right at the Stüssihof and there is a Calida shop just outside so you cant miss it and there is one under the Stadelhofen train station.