Niki de Saint Phal was a French-American contemporary artist, sculptor, painter, filmmaker and also an author. She was born in 1930 in France. She got very known for her nonconlvential works of her female figures Nanas.
She was married to the Swiss artist Jean-Tinguely.
To me the use of Colors feel like coming from the Indian subcontinent. The art work of Niki de saint phal is quite bold, colourful and very impressionable. At the moment the exihibition is going on at the Kunst Haus Zûrich but only till the 8 of July. So hurry if you haven't seen it.
Check it out and do take the audio guide for a better understanding of her art! I absolutely had a great time visiting. It was also very inspirational for me. She having a rather turbulent life, did such a amazing body of work.
One work from her can be seen at our main train station: Le Enge protector. It's the Nana figure very similar to this one seen below. Do check out Zürich main train station ceiling. Or visit one of our tours from Zuerich.com

Seen below are different kind of Nanas and scenes from an exhibition.
The exhibition can be seen at the Kunsthaus Zürich, with more than 100 pieces of work of her art, the Tarot Garden and also some Plastics. A little tip for you, one can visit the Kunsthaus for free on Wednesday afternoons.