Super simple and easy-peasy chillis, so simple its almost a crime to call it cooking! But they sure are delicious!

With chillis is like that, you either like them or you don't or you raterh can't, right and If you want to know. if I am a chilli person, I am guilty as charged.
The most super simple chilli recipe
This chilli recipe is inspired by my Bua, who used to whip them up even after we had sat down for our meal. She used to make them with the real chillis. But this time I took these little cute sweet chilli peppers. So my Kamla Bua/my aunt after finishing the last Chapati while the griddle would be still hot, she would make them. They go so well as a side dish with almost any meal. And they also add good color and crunch on the table.
Do Try them and I am sure you will not regret it! If you like you can take a few hot chillis too, to get some extra hot flavours.
Easy-Peasy Chillis
1 pack of chillis of your choice
1 tbsp of olive oil/any other oil
1 heaped tsp of cumin seeds
1/4 tsp salt
a big pinch of chilli flakes
1 tsp of dry mango powder/amchoor powder (adds a great punch, substitute it with lime juice)
Wash the chillis, dry them and slit them lengthwise. Keep them on the side
Heat the oil in a pan, add the cumin seeds and let them pop and roast.
Now add the chillis and salt and keep them stirring every now and then
When they start to fall down a bit, add the mango powder, stir it all well and voila! your chillis are ready.
You can serve them with any meal as a side dish, serve them in a wrap or a falafel, on a sandwich, with nachos and they also made nice food gifts.
You can keep them in the fridge covered for a couple of days.
Enjoy! Let me know if you made them and how did you like them.

for the love of chillis..........................................